Mojim Lyrics
Mojim Lyrics > Japanese & Korean singers > Potomelli
Potomelli【 7 songs in total 】
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  Song Lyricist Composer Date
1 Chill Hironori Momoi Hironori Momoi 2024-05
2 Tomorrow Hironori Momoi Hironori Momoi 2023-07
3 Wanted To Be Somebody Hironori Momoi Hironori Momoi 2024-04
4 Why Why Why Hironori Momoi Hironori Momoi 2023-04
5 Yami Baito Hironori Momoi Hironori Momoi 2023-10
6 コスパダメ、ゼッタイ Hironori Momoi Hironori Momoi 2023-05
7 どうしようもないくらいのI love youをたまにはくれてもいいんじゃない Hironori Momoi Hironori Momoi 2024-02